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Geoff Campbell

Geoff Campbell, Honours BA, International Relations

Geoff Campbell is an honours graduate from Mount Allison University, the top-rated university in Canada.

Geoff Campbell's Background

Geoff Campbell's Experience

Communications Assistant at Mount Allison University

May 2011 - Present | Sackville, NB

• Developed university-wide social media strategy and guidelines • Educates staff on effective social media use • Helps manage the University's social media presence (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Flickr) • Assists in traditional and social media monitoring, analysis and response using public relations management software (including Vocus and Cision) and other resources • Creates and submits traditional and social media monitoring reports to management • Creates written, photographic and video content for the web • Appointed to the Web Advisory Group to aid provide input to the University's website redesign project:

Social Media Publisher at Mount Allison University

September 2008 - May 2012 | Sackville, NB

• Authored a blog with regular posts regarding academics, campus life, and other information for prospective students. (90,000+ Pageviews, 60+ Regular Readers) • Planed, filmed, and edited video on the above topics (16,902 Total Upload Views) • Engaged and responded to prospective students via E-mail, Facebook, and Twitter

Online Editor at Argosy Publications Inc

May 2011 - April 2012 | Sackville, NB

• Actively managed and updates the Argosy website • Utilized social media to engage with students and other readers • Self-taught basics of Wordpress and OpenPublish (Drupal) • Did independent research on best practices to increase effectiveness with the above tasks • Regularly created print and web-exclusive content • Managed the technical set up, video-recording, and coverage of the Atlantic Region Canadian University Press (ARCUP) Fall 2011 Conference • Represented The Argosy at the Canadian University Press National Conference in January 2012

Online Editor at Atlantic International Studies Organization

April 2011 - April 2012 | Sackville, NB

• Executive member responsible for providing input on conference and journal theme and activities • Assisted the President in organizing and selecting candidates for keynote and other speakers at yearly academic conference • Was responsible for website content, video editing and promotion, and promoting the group's activities online

Public Relations Coordinator (Mount Allison University Chapter) at Amnesty International

May 2011 - April 2012 | Sackville, NB

• Trained at the 2011 AI Human Rights College in public speaking on behalf of Amnesty, public relations, and effective event planning • Organized campus event to raise awareness of the plight of Aboriginal peoples in Canada • Volunteered for the Demand Dignity Campaign with U2's 360 Tour:

Summer Programs Assistant at Berklee College of Music

May 2009 - September 2009

• Organized and promoted student events and activities • Created and authored The Berklee Student Activities Blog • Created an extensive summer calendar • Moderated Berklee Off Campus Housing Bulletin Board and supported students in need of accommodations online and by phone • Participated in the recruitment and interviewing of Orientation Leaders See supervisor's recommendation:

Geoff Campbell's Education

Mount Allison University

2008 – 2012

Bachelor of Arts with Honours

Concentration: International Relations

Geoff Campbell's Interests & Activities

Public Relations, International Affairs

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